Sample Fever Leave Messages for Students

Here are multiple messages for students due to fever leave. Everyone can use these sms according to requirement.

Sample Fever Leave Messages for Students. 

1-Leave Message (due to severe temperature)

Respected Sir,

I’m a student of your college grade 12 section A. I want short leave due to severe fever. Today was my test so I came to take that particular test. Kindly allow me to go home.


Yours Obediently,

2- Dengue Fever Leave Message

Dear Madam,

I hope that you’re fine. I want to aware you from my medical condition. As you know I have been suffering from high fever and body ache from the past few weeks. So, I decided to see the doctor and after some tests, he told me that this is not the normal fever I’m having dengue fever. So, he prescribed me some more tests and rest. I won’t be able to join school today I will definitely drop my medical leave certificate by tomorrow.

Thanking you!

Best Regards,
Student of————-

3-Leave Message due to Cold and flu

Hello Sir,

With due respect, I’m not feeling good to inform you that I won’t be able to take today’s quiz because of my poor health conditions. I’m having high fever & flu due to cold weather kindly allow me to retake this quiz.

Yours Obediently,


4- Leave Message due to Ear Piercing

Dear Madam,

I’m dropping this thread to inform you that I’m having a high fever due to ear piercing. I went to a local shop near our house to get my ears piercing done as I was really excited about that but it turned out so much painfull for me. Kindly accept this and allow me to leave for one day.

Yours Thankful,


5-Leave Message due to Jaundice Fever

Respected Sir,

As you know that I’m dealing with jaundice which is on its early stage. I have a high fever due to this and won’t be able to join the seminar. Kindly acknowledge this and grant me leave for a day.

Yours Sincerely,


6-Fever due to Chest Infection

Hello Sir,

I’m sorry to bother you this time but it was urgent as I have my final year project presentation tomorrow morning and I’ve high fever bad cough due to the chest infection. Kindly do something about this because I won’t be able to present in this condition.

Thanks now and later

Yours Grateful,
Kamia Thort

7-Fever due to diverse weather

Hi there,

With due respect and reverence, I want to notify you about my health issues. I’m suffering from a seasonal infection which caused the high fever. Kindly pray for my health and grant me short leave.

Numal Robert

8-Fever due to Typhoid/Malaria

Hello Sir,

I’m really sorry but I won’t be able to deliver my project today. I have high temperature as you might know about my typhoid. I hope that you’ll understand this. I’m writing this personally so I could say sorry to you because you worked so hard.

Best Regards,

Sonia Khan

Sick Leave Application for School

Dear Teacher,

I want to inform you that I cannot come to school today due to sickness. I am suffering from (fever, flu, and cough) and attending school is not possible for me. I request you to grant me one day off on (date) from school. I am thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Sick Leave Letter by Student

Dear Principal,

Respectfully I am informing you through this application letter that I am suffering from sickness for the last few days. That is why I couldn’t attend my classes yesterday and the day before yesterday as well. I have a severe attack of fever, flu, weakness, cough, and vomiting. I request you to please consider my leaves from Thursday, July 6 onward. As early as I get recovered, and after betterment in health, I will come to report to you and join my classes.

Thanking you,


Sick Leave Mail Application for School

Dear Sir,

I am Urooj Ashraf, a student in the 10th class. I request you to allow me one day’s leave because I am feeling sick. I have flu, cough, and throat infection and am not in a position to attend the class. Again I am requesting you for one day leave for today, dated 29th April. I will be thankful to you.

Urooj Ashraf

Application to School Principal for Sick Leave

Dear Ms. Fatima Urooj,

I am a student of 2nd Year Class, FSc Pre Medical. I am feeling sick for the last two days, and my medical reports show that I am suffering from hepatitis C, and it is at an alarming stage. I request you to please allow me one week of sick leave from the College. Thanking you,

Minahil Qasim,

MBA Marketing

1 Day Sick Leave Email Letter for Students

Letter for leave from student to the principal for not attending the school due to sickness

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I want to say that I am a student in 10th grade at your school. I have been studying at your school. Sir, I was not able to come to school on (Date). It was an important day on which I required the presence of every student of the school. But I was not able to come due to sickness. The doctors had advised a complete bed rest of 1 day. I needed to do so. Otherwise, I would have come to school as I have been preparing for that day for a long time.

I hope that you will grant me a leave for that day. I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness. Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Your Name

Sick Leave Application for School Due to Fever

Dear Sir,

I request you kindly grant me leave for two days as I suffer from a high-grade fever and sore throat. Since our monthly exams will be commencing next week, I want to rest to recover my health and re-energize myself to deliver the best in upcoming exams. I, therefore, humbly request you to please grant me leave from school for two days. I shall be much obliged to you.

Yours obediently,

Zara Shah, Grade V

Student Sick Leave Application to Principal

The Principal,

Dear Sir,

It is stated that I am a student of class 8-B in your school. I have maintained 1st position in my class in all examinations. My attendance record is also 100% this year. Due to the weather change, I am feeling sick and much pain in the throat. This throat pain has caused high fever and weakness in the body.

This application is regarding granting me leave for 2 days, as the doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest for at least 2 days. I shall be thankful to you if you allow the leave for 2 days. By this, I will take complete care of my health and join back with the same momentum and spirit.

Yours obediently,

Your Name

Student Leave for Sickness

Dear Principal,

This letter is to request a sick leave of four days. I am a day scholar at your institute. I had been suffering from pneumonia since last night. Doctors have recommended bed rest for four days. Kindly provide me a leave of four days to recover from sickness, and again join the institute from Monday morning. I would cover all the missed classes in my free time from 12 pm to 1 pm in the coming week.

Sincerely Yours,

Nick Golauza

Sick Leave Application Sample for Student

Dear Principal,

I am Minahil Qasim, a student of BSc Engineering writing for sick leave. I am suffering from dengue fever and can’t come to college to attend classes. The doctor suggests that I have to take a rest at least for three weeks. Meanwhile, I am feeling weak which doesn’t allow me to come to the college. I request you to please approve my leave and check the attached medical certificates.

Warm Regards,

Minahil Qasim

Leave Application due to Injury During Game

Dear Sir,

Please be informed that I am a basketball player on our school’s team. Yesterday, during practice after school, I tripped on the ground and unfortunately broke my ankle. The doctors have recommended that I take complete rest for one week for quick recovery from this hairline fracture. Due to this, I won’t be able to come to school. Kindly grant me leave for one week, i.e., from 22nd July, (Date) to 29th July, (Date). I’ll be much obliged for this kind favor.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Name

Leave Application Due to Hand, and Arm Injury

Subject: Leave for three days due to hand injury

Dear Ma’am,

I earnestly request you kindly allow me to leave for three days starting from today (Date), as I have to undergo immediate hand surgery. I had slipped over a glass table and had my left hand’s ligaments cut.

I have obtained good scores in previous test series and will continue appearing for the next crash course soon. I understand the importance of these preparatory exams and ensure that I’ll deliver good results in the future. Kindly grant me leave for three days so I can manage this unforeseen injury.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Danish Kakayzai, Grade VIII-A

Leave Application for School Due to Injuries

The Principal,

Crescent Model School for Boys

Subject: Leave for ten days due to road accident

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I had a tragic road accident last night while I was coming home with my family. Our car was badly hit by a truck from behind, rolling us off the road several miles away. We have met several injuries, but thankfully we are all alive. I have my right leg and left arm fractured, and therefore request you to grant me leave for 10 days kindly.

Thank You!

Yours sincerely,

Your Name

Sample Fever Leave Messages for Students

Subject: Request for Fever Leave – [Your Name]

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and have been diagnosed with a fever. Due to my condition, I will not be able to attend classes for the next few days.

I understand the importance of keeping up with my studies, and I will make every effort to catch up on the missed lessons and assignments as soon as I am well enough to return to school. If there are any specific instructions or materials that I need to catch up on, please let me know, and I will do my best to complete them.

I kindly request your understanding and support during this period of illness. If there are any important updates or announcements in class, please inform me via email or text message so that I can stay updated.

I will keep you posted on my progress and will inform you as soon as I am fit to return to school. Thank you for your consideration and support.


[Your Name]
[Your Class/Grade]
[Your Contact Information]

Sample Fever Leave Messages for Students from Parents

Subject: Leave Application for My Child – [Child’s Name]

Dear [School Principal’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence for my child, [Child’s Name], who is a student in [Grade/Class], due to a fever. My child has been unwell and has been diagnosed with a fever by our family doctor.

I kindly request your permission for my child to be excused from attending school for the next [number of days] days to recover and prevent the spread of illness to other students. It is important to us that our child’s health is fully restored before returning to school.

During my child’s absence, I will ensure that they keep up with their studies and complete any assignments or coursework as necessary. I will also provide a medical certificate once my child has recovered and is fit to return to school.

I understand the school’s commitment to the well-being of all students and the importance of maintaining a healthy learning environment. I appreciate your understanding of this situation and your support in granting this leave.

If there are any procedures or forms that need to be completed in connection with this leave request, please let me know, and I will promptly attend to them.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my child’s absence. We look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
[Child’s Name]


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