Marriage Invitations Messages for Friends

Marriage Invitations Messages for Friends

  1. I know that you might be shocked to see that message but fortunately it’s happening!! I am very excited for my big day which is coming very soon. I want you to be my side as you have always been. You are more than a sister to me than a friend. Please come to my wedding day and make me happy with your presence.
  2. I am excited to break this amazing news that I am getting married on 4th of this month and I am more excited to see my best friend’s face. Please come to my wedding and meet me after 5years. I cannot do this without your presence.
  3. My wedding is happening and all I want is happiness and smiles on that day. I want our school friends to be united on my wedding day and refresh our memories by talking about all the silly stuff we have done together. Please be at the function on time.
  4. You are invited on my wedding day. I will not hear any made up excuses, I don’t care about tickets and all. Get the ticket and come on my wedding. I will be anxiously waiting for you so you can give me your best suggestions on everything.
  5. I am marrying the love of my life and I want my closest friend to be there to witness my fairytale. Without your presence, it wouldn’t be the same as you have played major role in my wedding. I can’t wait to see you and have loads of fun.
  6. We have been together since we were seven years old from playing in the playground to playing x-box in my television lounge. We have always been there for each other. I want you to come to my wedding and brighten it up by your presence.

Wedding Invitation Message for WhatsApp

“Dear Friends and Family,

We are thrilled to announce the most special day of our lives! [Your Names] are tying the knot, and we want you to be a part of our joyous celebration.

Date: [Wedding Date] Time: [Wedding Time] Venue: [Wedding Venue]

Your presence on this day will mean the world to us. Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] so that we can make arrangements accordingly.

We can’t wait to share this beautiful moment with you and create lasting memories together. Dress your best, and let’s make it a day to remember!

For more details and updates, please visit our wedding website [Include Website Link] or feel free to contact us at [Your Contact Information].

Looking forward to celebrating with you all!

With love, [Your Names]”

Wedding Invitation Text Message

Sending a wedding invitation via text message is a convenient and direct way to invite your guests. Here’s a sample text message for a wedding invitation:

“Hello [Guest’s Name],

We are excited to invite you to our wedding!

[Your Names] [Date]: [Wedding Date] [Time]: [Wedding Time] [Venue]: [Wedding Venue]

Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] so we can plan accordingly.

We look forward to celebrating with you on our special day!

For more details and updates, visit our wedding website: [Include Website Link]

With love, [Your Names]”

Simply copy and paste this message into a text and customize it with your specific wedding details. Don’t forget to include your wedding website link and ensure that your RSVP date allows guests enough time to respond.


Wedding Invitation messages for Colleagues:

  1. Formal Option: “Dear [Colleague’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. [Your Name] and I are delighted to invite you to our wedding ceremony.

Date: [Wedding Date] Time: [Wedding Time] Venue: [Wedding Venue]

We would be honored to have you share this special day with us. Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Your presence would mean a lot to us. We look forward to celebrating this joyous occasion together.

Warm regards, [Your Names]”

  1. Casual Option: “Hey [Colleague’s Name],

Guess what? [Your Name] and I are getting married! We’d love for you to be there with us on our big day.

Date: [Wedding Date] Time: [Wedding Time] Venue: [Wedding Venue]

It would be fantastic to have you celebrate this special moment in our lives. Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVP Date].

Looking forward to having a blast together at the wedding!

Best, [Your Names]”

  1. Humorous Option: “Hi [Colleague’s Name],

We’re taking the plunge and getting hitched! The party wouldn’t be complete without you, so save the date:

Date: [Wedding Date] Time: [Wedding Time] Venue: [Wedding Venue]

Come for the wedding, stay for the cake! Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] to secure your slice.

Let’s make it a day to remember!

Cheers, [Your Names]”

Wedding Invitation for Friends

“Dear [Friend’s Name],

We are thrilled to invite you to the most important day of our lives as we become [Your Names].

Date: [Wedding Date] Time: [Wedding Time] Venue: [Wedding Venue]

Your presence will make our joyous occasion even more special. Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] so that we can plan for your comfort.

We look forward to celebrating and creating cherished memories together. Let’s make this day unforgettable!

For additional details and updates, please visit our wedding website: [Include Website Link] or feel free to contact us at [Your Contact Information].

With love and excitement, [Your Names]”


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