Email by the company for Freezing new Hiring in Management Sector

Jobs are the ways to earn money or to purchase the life’s necessities or refraining oneself from begging from others thus standing on the level of self-esteem, but many times, the companies’ needs got fulfilled and they stop the new hiring or just freeze the process of selection due to certain issues, only known to them. This email is written in the best interest of the ones who wish to freeze the new hiring’s in their departments or even companies.

Sample Announcement Email by the company for Freezing new Hiring in Management Sector



Subject: Announcement by the company for freezing new hiring in the management sector

Respected Managers!

Greetings! How are you all? I hope you all will be fine and living your life with glee and blessings of the Providence bestowed upon you. I pray to God for the continuation of the same upon you until the rest of your lives. Amen.

By the grace of Almighty, the SALT group of industries had initiated to open a new company. The sole purpose behind that opening was to provide jobs to talented people as much as we can. I am glad to inform you that we had attained the milestone and completed the new hiring’s in all the departments. It is, therefore, requested to you that please publish an advertisement in all the popular and most-read newspaper stating the freezing of new hiring in the company as it would not bother us of keeping their CVs and the candidate as well by not wasting their time in coming to us. I hope you understand what I mean and do the needful. Thank you.

Yours Truly,

The Management,

26th January 2020.


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