Medical Leave Request Messages

These sample messages can be used by teachers in colleges/schools or anywhere to ask for medical leaves due to different reasons. You can change situations and information according to the requirements and conditions.

Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To Child Birth

Dear Principal,

I am Neha Khan, I have been working all my pregnancy and haven’t utilized my maternity leaves yet. I just gave birth this Friday. I wanna take 3 weeks of medical leave to recover from my delivery and give time to my baby. Kindly grant me.


Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To Lasik Surgery

Hi Sir,

It is to inform you that I will be having my Lasik surgery done tomorrow. It will take a week for me to recover and go back in sun. so I will be taking medical leaves. I will resume as soon as I get better.


Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To Eye Infection

Dear Sir,

I woke up today with an eye infection. My doctor has prescribed me an ointment and has recommended staying at home off of the screen. So kindly allow me medical leave for today.


Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To Flu


I would like to have a medical leave for today. I am suffering from flu and I wanna get tested for covid first before coming to work to make sure we all stay safe. kindly approve.


Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To Back Pain

Dear Sir,

I would like to ask for medical leave as I am suffering from severe back pain. In this situation, mobility is just causing pain and I won’t be able to come to teach today. Kindly allow me to leave so that  I can rest.


Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To Sudden Injury

Hi Sir,

It is to inform you that Injured myself yesterday. I cant walk easily today without support. In this situation coming to work won’t be possible for me. It will be so nice if you grant me medical leaves.


Medical Leave Request Message By Teacher Due To  Allergy


I am here to request a medical leave because I have a pollen allergy that got activated yesterday. I have rashes and dizziness and it seems like I won’t be able to come to teach students today. Kindly allow me medical leave.



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