Sick Leave Messages By Employee

These sample sick leave messages can be used by employees anywhere asking for sick leaves due to different reasons. You can modify it according to your needs. Necessary changes can be done.

Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To Fever


It is to request you to grant me sick leave for [date] as I have a fever and I am not able to come for work today. I will rejoin as soon as I recover.


Name, Ayush Singh.

Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To Throat Infection


It is to inform you that I cant come to work today as I have got a throat infection and I am not able to work today. I will b thankful if you grant sick leave.


Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To  Allergic Rhinitis

Dear sir,

I am Aarav Jian, I am suffering from allergic rhinitis today and am not in a condition to come for work. I have contacted my doctor and he has advised me to stay at home away from pollution and irritants so I can recover. Kindly allow me sick leave for today to get better.


Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To Sudden Back Pain

Dear Sir,

I am Aradhya Sethi,  it is to request sick leave for today as I got sudden back pain today and with this coming to work will not be possible for me. I will be thankful if you allow it.


Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To Food Poisoning

Hi sir,

I am Arunya dil, I am suffering from food poisoning that has weakened my immune system and I am not able to come for work today it will be so nice if you allow me sick leave. I Will resume work as soon as I get better.


Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To Migraine


Dear Sir, it is to inform you that I will be taking a sick leave as I am suffering from severe migraine. Due to this, I am not able to work today. I will resume tomorrow.


Sick Leave Message By Employee Due To Foot  Injury

Respected Sir,

It is to inform and request you for sick leaves as I slipped off stairs last night and got my foot muscle torn. I am currently not able to walk so can not come for work. Kindly allow me sick leaves I will rejoin as soon as I get better.



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