Sample Application for Hostel Allotment

Students or individuals who live away from their hometown and do not have any access to live in another place are ultimately urged to spend their time till their degree completion in hostels. These templates will help them out in finding the way to write their request application to authorized personalities in the best possible way. Thereby, you can use these templates for the allotment of room in a hostel, assigning of student compartments, or changing of room. You can alter the changes accordingly.

Sample Request Application for Hostel Allotment


Hostel Supervisor,

College Name


Subject: For allotment of the hostel.

Respected warden,

It is stated with respect that I have applied here in XY discipline. Fortunately, I’m on board as a regular student. But I’m not a resident of this city. I belong to _____ city. Therefore, I am writing this application for the allotment of rooms in the hostel.

As: I don’t have any relative who lives here. On this need, I kindly, request you to allow me a room. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to study in my dream college/university. It will be your favor if you assign a room to me at the earliest.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours Truly,


Relative Department:

Easy Request Application for Hostel Allotment


Student Relation Office,


Subject: Room allotment request in the hostel

Respected Sir/Madam,

I (Name), have applied to this prestigious university. Fortuitously, my application for admission was on merit. But, I don’t have any habitation here to live nor do I have any relative here who could provide me a better shelter. I searched for private hostels as well but they are at a considerable distance which cost me handsome fare on daily basis.

On these particulars, I cannot meet my expenses. In this regard, kindly, accept my humble request. So, I continue my studies effectively.

Paying best regards to you.

Yours truly,


Easy Template for Hostel Allotment


Hostel warden,

Hostel Name,


Subject: For assigning of room/ student compartment.

Respected Officer in Incharge,

I’m writing this request application to you for getting a room or student compartment at your private inn.  As my university has no more room for now due to COVID restrictions. I, therefore, am in high need of getting a room. Basically, I’m a final-year student and cannot go more often to my hometown to do my research work. It will be highly appreciated if you assign me a room or student compartment at the soonest.  

I shall be very thankful to your kind personality for this approbation.

Yours Candidly,


Institute Name: Date:


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