Sample Urgent Messages to Boss from Employee

These messages can be used in case one requires leave from the boss due to any urgent situation arising. For more information reach out via email or the comment box.

Sample Urgent Messages

  1. Fever

Dear Sir, this I to inform you that I cannot come in for work today. Just this morning I woke up with a high fever, and it has not subsided with countertop medication. I am also experiencing body aches, and am hoping to be granted a leave of absence for the day. I will make an appointment with the doctor if the fever does not subside with further rest. I hope you understand.

  • Stomach issues

Good morning Miss, this is to inform you that I have been experiencing some uneasiness in my stomach since yesterday. Upon further consultation, I have been told that it is a stomach infection. I have been told to rest it off for a few days. It is for this reason that I cannot come in for work right now. Thank you.

  • Cold or flu

Good afternoon, Sir. The reason I have not made it to work right now is that I have caught a cold. I am hoping it is nothing more than the common flu, but I will get myself tested just in case. Until I get any conclusive results regarding the condition, I would like to be able to stay home. I cannot wait to feel better and rejoin you at work. Thank you.

  • Child’s illness

Dear Sir, this is to inform you that I will not be coming to work today. My child has fallen ill, and I have to stay home and look after her. I have made an appointment and will let you know of my plans as soon as I talk to the doctor. In the meanwhile, it would mean a lot to me if you understand that I cannot come in for work for the time being. Thank you.

  • Own doctor’s appointment

Good morning Miss, this is to inform you that I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and require the day off. For the time being the doctor has recommended bed rest, and I would be grateful if I could stay home and rest. I am sorry for any trouble I may have caused. Thank you for understanding.

  • Child’s doctor appointment

Dear Ma’am, I hope you are doing well. I am afraid to inform you that my child has fallen ill and has not been responding to home remedies. I have to make a doctor’s appointment and be present at it. Please understand that I absolutely have to attend the appointment, and would require the day off. Thank you for understanding.

  • Mother’s doctor appointment

Dear Sir, I hope you are well. This is to ask for permission regarding coming Monday. I have to take my mother to her appointment and require the day off. I hope you understand that this is an absolute necessity. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Child’s school meeting

Dear Ma’am. I hope you are well. I have received an urgent phone call from my child’s school regarding an impromptu school meeting. I am sorry but I feel that I will not be able to make it to work today. Thank you for understanding, regards. 

Car accident

Dear Sir, this is to inform you that I was in a car accident this morning. Currently, I am in the hospital for minor injuries and will not be able to make it to work right now. I am getting my tests and w-ray done and will keep you posted. For now, I want to ask you for the day off along with your kind understanding. Thank you.

  • Family emergency

Dear Madam, this morning I received an urgent phone call regarding a family emergency. For this, I will be required to travel out of the city, and thus, will not be able to make it to work. I am sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused. Thank you.

  • Electricity outage

Dear Sir, I hope you are well. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to work today. I have been facing a power outage on my street since last night. This has halted many of our operations and has rendered me incapable of joining you for work today. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you.


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