Sample Messages to the Teacher on Teachers’ Day

This package includes text messages for teachers on teachers’ day, celebrating their efforts. These are free to use and offer help to anyone who needs them. For more information contact us via the comment box or our email.

Thank you for being kind

Dear Sir,

Happy Teachers day! I hope you’re having a great day because you deserve it. Even though it is teachers’ day today, I feel that excellent teachers like yourself should be celebrated every day. You have spared no effort in being kind to us, and the least we can do is celebrate you properly on the one designated to celebrate teachers.

Thank you for being Patient

Dear Miss,

I hope you’re having a wonderful Teachers’ day! Although every day should be dedicated to celebrating wonderful teachers like you, it is important that we at least set aside other activities and observe all the hard work that you’ve put into being a teacher today. I hope you know we appreciate your effort and your kindness, and we send you our blessings as hopeful students. Thank you for being a teacher.

Thank you for being Admirable

Dear Sir,

As parents, we are very anxious when sending our kids out into the world. It is a root of insanity to wonder what our kids might be zoning, not just in their academics, but in their character building too. You, however, as a teacher have made sure that our children learn how to be better people every single day. And this teacher’s day, I would like to let you know that I am a very grateful parent. May you always excel in life.

Thank you for helping with the Homework

Dear Ma’am,

There’s nothing more important in this world than a great educator. You are one of the best teachers that my child has had the pleasure of meeting, and for that, I would like to wish you a happy teacher’s day! Thank you for being a kind presence in my child’s life, and helping her who needs help. Often she does not understand many concepts and needs help with their homework, and you have always been very patient with her and have helped her through. I hope you know we are very grateful.

Thank you for offering Extra Credit

Dear Sir,

Happy Teacher’s day! While teachers should be celebrated every day, the best we can do is take today out and celebrate our nation’s greatest asset on the days that we can. Thank you for putting time and effort into educating our children, and I hope you know we are extremely grateful.

Thank you for allowing Creative ideas

Dear Ma’am,

I hope you have a Happy Teachers’ Day! Thank you for being a beacon of hope for our young children. I hope you know that we are very proud of all of the lessons you have taught our children. It could not have been an easy job to look after many young children, but you make it look rewarding. I hope you have a wonderful day today.

Thank you for being open to Ideas

Dear Sir,

Happy teacher’s day! You are one of the few teachers who have been open to all creative ideas and all creative endeavors. This is why all of your students love your class so much. You are the hope for our education system and deserve this day of appreciation and acknowledgment.

Thank you for being Inclusive

Dear Miss,

Happy Teachers’ Day! This is a day we set aside to celebrate our front liners and the people who do most for our nation. Teachers deserve all the appreciation and acknowledgment and should be celebrated every day. Thank you for serving our country, and educating these young minds for a greater tomorrow.

Thank you for being Lenient

Dear Ma’am, I hope you are having a wonderful day. I wanted to wish you a Happy Teachers’ Day. I understand that it takes a lot of effort to become an educator, and you have been one of the best I have had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you for being a wonderful addition to my school life, and for being a lenient but assertive teacher. Regards,

Thank you for being Understanding

Dear Sir,

Happy Teachers’ Day. I don’t know a single person who deserves to be celebrated as much as you do. You have been kind, understanding, and patient with us throughout the year, even more than we have deserved often. I hope you have a wonderful day full of

acknowledgment and love. Thank you for your kindness.

Thank you for being Admirable

Dear Ma’am,

Not only have you been a wonderful educator, and have gone above and beyond for your students, you have also been a role model for these growing kids. Judging from the way they talk about you, it is easy to say that you have left a mark on their personalities. Thank you for taking your job seriously and educating these kids with a full heart. Happy Teachers’ Day, I don’t know a single person who deserves to be celebrated as much as you do today.


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