Official Memo Format for Employees Identity Card

Official Memo: Employees’ Identity Card

To: All Office Staff Members

Subject: Employees’ Identity Card

Dear Staff Members,

This is to inform you that it is mandatory for all employees to wear their employee identity cards during office hours. Failure to display your identity card may result in a fine of (xx/-) per day. This directive comes from upper management, and it is imperative for security reasons.

The implementation of this policy will commence on (xx) day, and we expect full compliance from everyone. Your cooperation and adherence to this rule are greatly appreciated.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]

Official Memo Format for Employees Identity Card


Office staff members,

Subject: Employees Identity Card

All Staff Members,

This is to inform you that all employees are strictly forced to wear employee identity card during office hours. To display his/her identity card is must and non-conformance of this may cause fine of (xx/-) day. Administration/ Management have received strict orders from management due to security reasons. The implementation will start from (xx) day, and will hope that everyone will follow the rule and take it seriously.

Administration / Management.

(Organization/ Institute).


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