Warning Letter for Late Coming in Office

A warning letter of unpunctuality may refer to a warning sent to somebody for being late to work regularly or frequently. They can warn or restrict any kind of information in their company. 

Warning Letter for Late Coming in Office

Date: DD/MM/YY

Receiver/Employee Name…

Job Designation…

Department name…

Subject: Warning Letter for Late Coming

Dear Ms/Mr. (Name),

It has been observed that you are coming late continuously by an hour or half an hour. We have given repeated verbal warnings to you regarding coming late to the office every other day. (Describe in your own words). The management has noticed that no heed has been paid to those warnings. So we are writing this warning letter to you. (Explain the actual problem and situation). And also you are not recording your attendance card on the computerized attendance system by punching your card for In and Out. (Describe all about the situation).

You are requested to strictly start following the office timings with immediate effect failing which we will be compelled to start deducting a day’s salary for every day that you come late to work. (Describe your decision regarding this).

Please sign a copy of this letter in acknowledgement of receipt of this letter. (Explain your requirements).

Hope to see you comply with the company rules.

Best regards,

(Name of signing authority)

Sample warning letter for late coming

[Your Company Letterhead] [Company Name] [Company Address][Date]

[Employee Name] [Employee Position/Title] [Department] [Employee Address]

Subject: Warning Letter for Late Coming

Dear [Employee Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. We would like to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding your punctuality at work. It has come to our notice that you have been consistently arriving late to work over the past [insert duration].

Punctuality is an essential aspect of our work culture, and it directly impacts the overall productivity and efficiency of our team. Arriving late not only disrupts the workflow but also sets an undesirable precedent for your colleagues.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise from time to time, causing delays. However, it is important to prioritize punctuality and make a concerted effort to be on time for work. As outlined in our company policies, regular tardiness is not acceptable.

Your cooperation in this matter is crucial, and we trust that you will make the necessary adjustments to ensure your timely presence at work. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

warning letter to employees for late coming and absenteeism

[Your Company Letterhead] [Company Name] [Company Address][Date]

[Employee Name] [Employee Position/Title] [Department] [Employee Address]

Subject: Warning for Late Coming and Absenteeism

Dear [Employee Name],

We have observed a pattern of late arrivals and absenteeism in your recent attendance record. Punctuality and regular attendance are critical for the smooth functioning of our team.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but consistent tardiness and absenteeism affect team productivity and morale. As per company policy, it is essential to adhere to the designated work hours.

This letter serves as a formal warning. We expect immediate improvement in your attendance and punctuality. Failure to do so may lead to further disciplinary action.

If you are facing challenges, please communicate with your supervisor or HR for support. Your cooperation is crucial for maintaining a productive work environment.


[Your Name] [Your Position/Title][Contact Information]

Warning Letter to Employee for Regular Late Coming to Office

[Your Company Letterhead] [Company Name] [Company Address][Date]

[Employee Name] [Employee Position/Title] [Department] [Employee Address]

Subject: Warning for Regular Late Coming to Office

Dear [Employee Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. We have noticed a consistent pattern of late arrivals to the office in your recent attendance record. Punctuality is a fundamental aspect of our work culture, and it plays a crucial role in the overall efficiency of our team.

Your habitual tardiness is a concern as it disrupts team dynamics and affects the smooth operation of daily activities. As outlined in our company policies, employees are expected to adhere to the designated work hours.

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your regular late coming. We expect immediate corrective action to ensure that you arrive at the office on time. Continued failure to address this issue may result in further disciplinary measures.

Please treat this matter with the urgency it requires. Your prompt attention to this issue is appreciated.


[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Department]





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