Warning Letter to Employee for Negligence of Duty

This post includes a formal warning letter to employees for negligence of duty that can be used as a base for creating a personalized letter.

Sample Warning Letter Format to Employee for Negligence of Duty


Simon Smith

HR Manager

Zenith Technologies


Date: September 24th, 2023


Mr. Andy Jacob

54, Richmond Villas


Dear Andy,

It has been noticed that recently your performance levels are not as per the acceptable standards defined by our company. We have come across many complaints from your team leader as well as colleagues that you have been neglecting your duties and responsibilities at work which is severely affecting your performance.

This negligence at work has resulted in a significant fall in your ranking as you have not been able to complete the tasks assigned to you. Many verbal warnings were given to you during this time but despite that, there was no progress in your work and attitude.

We avoid making such decisions but due to all the reasons mentioned above, we are writing this final warning letter to you. Please consider it as a final written warning and start working on improving your performance.


Simon Smith

HR Manager

warning letter to employee for the negligence of duty

Subject: Warning Letter for Negligence of Duty

[Your Company Name] [Your Company Address][Date]

[Employee’s Name] [Employee’s Job Title] [Employee’s Address]

Dear [Employee’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. It has come to our attention that there have been instances of negligence in the performance of your duties as [Employee’s Job Title] at [Your Company Name]. We take this matter seriously as it directly impacts the efficiency and success of our team.

Upon careful review, the following instances of negligence have been observed:

  1. [Specify the first instance of negligence, providing details and dates.]
  2. [Specify the second instance of negligence, providing details and dates.]
  3. [Continue if there are more instances, with specific details and dates.]

Negligence of duty not only affects your individual performance but also has repercussions on the entire team and the company’s overall success. As an employee, it is your responsibility to carry out your duties diligently and in accordance with the standards set by the company.

We understand that everyone can make mistakes, and we encourage open communication. If there are any challenges or issues hindering your performance, please bring them to our attention so that we can work together to find a solution.

We believe in your potential and your ability to contribute positively to our team. We trust that this warning serves as a wake-up call and motivates you to make the necessary improvements in your performance.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to schedule a meeting with [Supervisor’s Name] to discuss it further.

We hope to see a positive change in your performance moving forward.


[Your Name]

warning letter to employee for not working properly

Subject: Warning Letter for Substandard Work Performance

[Your Company Name] [Your Company Address][Date]

[Employee’s Name] [Employee’s Job Title] [Employee’s Address]

Dear [Employee’s Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. It has come to our attention that your recent performance at work has not met the standards expected from your role as [Employee’s Job Title] at [Your Company Name]. As an integral part of our team, your contributions significantly impact the overall success of our organization.

Upon careful evaluation, the following issues with your work performance have been identified:

  1. [Specify the first instance of substandard work, providing details and dates.]
  2. [Specify the second instance of substandard work, providing details and dates.]
  3. [Continue if there are more instances, with specific details and dates.]

Effective communication and collaboration are fundamental to our success, and it is essential that each team member consistently delivers work that meets or exceeds the established standards. Substandard performance not only affects your individual productivity but also has repercussions on the team and the company as a whole.

We understand that everyone faces challenges, and we are committed to supporting you in overcoming any obstacles that may be affecting your performance. However, it is imperative that you take immediate and sustained action to rectify these concerns.

We expect to see a noticeable improvement in the following areas:

  1. [Specify the expectations for improvement, such as attention to detail, meeting deadlines, etc.]
  2. [Add additional expectations as needed.]

Failure to address these performance issues may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to schedule a meeting with [Supervisor’s Name] or contact the Human Resources Department.


[Your Name]

Warning Letter for Carelessness in Work

[Your Company Name] [Your Company Address] [Date]

[Employee’s Name] [Employee’s Job Title]

Dear [Employee’s Name],

Subject: Warning for Carelessness in Work

We have observed instances of carelessness in your recent work, which is not aligned with the standards expected in your role as [Employee’s Job Title]. This behaviour is a concern that needs immediate attention.

Instances of concern include:

  1. [Specify the first instance briefly.]
  2. [Specify the second instance briefly.]

We value your contributions to the team and the company; however, continued carelessness can negatively impact both. It is crucial that you take immediate corrective action to avoid further issues.

Please ensure heightened attention to detail and diligence in your responsibilities. Failure to improve may result in more severe consequences, including disciplinary measures.

Your prompt attention to this matter is expected.


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

warning letter to employee for negligence of duty and Responsibilities

[Your Company Name] [Your Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Employee’s Name] [Employee’s Job Title]

Dear [Employee’s Name],

Subject: Warning for Negligence of Duties and Responsibilities

It has come to our attention that you have displayed negligence in fulfilling your duties and responsibilities as [Employee’s Job Title]. This is a serious matter that requires immediate attention.

Instances of concern include:

  1. [Specify the first instance briefly.]
  2. [Specify the second instance briefly.]

Negligence impacts team performance and overall productivity. It is essential that you promptly address and rectify these issues to meet the expected standards.

Failure to improve may result in further disciplinary action.

Your prompt corrective action is expected.


[Your Name]





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