Easy Format of Resignation Letter for Due to Marriage

Learn how to write a resignation letter for marriage reasons, including what to include and what to avoid, along with sample letters and helpful tips.

resignation letter due to marriage

[Your Name] [Your Address][Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position at [Company Name], effective [last working day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision has not been an easy one, but after careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interest of my personal life.

I am pleased to inform you that I will be getting married [provide the date, if comfortable], and this significant life event has prompted me to reevaluate my priorities. While I have greatly enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and have learned a tremendous amount during my tenure, I believe that stepping away from my professional responsibilities at this time will allow me to fully focus on this new chapter in my life.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my notice period. I am more than willing to assist in training a replacement or provide any necessary documentation to ensure a seamless handover. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my colleagues and have appreciated the opportunities for professional and personal growth that [Company Name] has provided me.

Thank you again for the opportunities and experiences at [Company Name]. I am grateful for the time I have spent here and am optimistic about the company’s continued success.


[Your Name]

resignation letter due to marriage and relocation

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally resign from my position at [Company Name], effective [last working day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. This decision has been a difficult one, but after careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interest of my personal and family life.

I am pleased to share with you that I will be getting married [provide the date, if comfortable], and this joyous occasion has also prompted a relocation. As a result, my family and I will be moving to [new location] in the coming weeks. While I have greatly appreciated the opportunities for professional growth and development at [Company Name], these significant life changes require me to prioritize my personal life.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my notice period. I am more than willing to assist in training a replacement, provide any necessary documentation, and collaborate with my colleagues to ensure a seamless handover. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my team and have appreciated the support and mentorship that [Company Name] has provided me.

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have had here. I am confident in the continued success of [Company Name], and I am optimistic about the bright future that lies ahead for the team.

Thank you again for the support and understanding. I look forward to staying in touch and wish [Company Name] continued success in the future.


[Your Name]

What To Include in a Resignation Letter for Marriage Reason

When writing a resignation letter due to marriage, it’s important to be professional and clear. Here are the key elements to include in your resignation letter:

  1. Heading:
    • Your name
    • Your address
    • City, state, ZIP code
    • Email address
    • Date
  2. Recipient Information:
    • Supervisor’s or HR manager’s name (if applicable)
    • Company name
    • Company address
    • City, state, ZIP code
  3. Salutation:
    • Address the recipient by their name (e.g., “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],”)
  4. Opening Paragraph:
    • Clearly state your intention to resign.
    • Include your last working day (usually two weeks from the date of the letter).
  5. Main Body:
    • Briefly explain that you are resigning due to marriage.
    • You can mention the date of your marriage if you feel comfortable.
    • If relevant, express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences gained during your time at the company.
  6. Transition Assistance:
    • Offer to assist in the transition, such as training a replacement, providing documentation, or helping with a smooth handover.
    • Reassure the employer of your commitment to making the transition as seamless as possible.
  7. Express Gratitude:
    • Thank your employer for the support, mentorship, and opportunities you’ve had at the company.
    • Express appreciation for your colleagues and the positive experiences.
  8. Closing:
    • Express optimism about the company’s future.
    • End the letter with a formal closing (e.g., “Sincerely,”).
  9. Signature:
    • Sign your name in the space between the closing and your typed name.

Remember to keep the tone professional and positive, focusing on the positive aspects of your time with the company. It’s always a good idea to discuss your resignation in person with your supervisor before submitting a formal letter. This helps maintain open communication and ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding your departure.

What Not to Include in Your Resignation Letter for Marriage Reason

When writing a resignation letter for marriage reasons, it’s essential to maintain a professional and positive tone. Here are things you should avoid including in your resignation letter:

  1. Personal Details:
    • While it’s acceptable to mention your marriage, avoid going into unnecessary personal details. The letter should focus on your decision to resign and maintain a professional tone.
  2. Negative Comments:
    • Refrain from making negative comments about the company, your colleagues, or any aspects of your job. Maintain a positive and constructive tone throughout the letter.
  3. Blame or Criticism:
    • Avoid placing blame on others or criticizing the company’s policies, practices, or individuals. It’s not the appropriate platform to air grievances.
  4. Unprofessional Language:
    • Use professional and respectful language. Avoid slang, informal language, or anything that may be perceived as unprofessional.
  5. Unverified Information:
    • If you are relocating due to marriage, ensure that your plans are finalized and confirmed before mentioning them in your resignation letter. Avoid including information that is subject to change.
  6. Ambiguity:
    • Be clear and specific about your resignation. Avoid vague statements that might lead to confusion about your departure date or the reasons for leaving.
  7. Excessive Detail:
    • Keep the letter concise and to the point. Avoid including excessive details about your personal life, the wedding, or any other unrelated information.
  8. Demands or Requests:
    • A resignation letter is not the appropriate place to make demands or requests. If you have specific requests related to your departure, discuss them separately with your supervisor or HR.
  9. Apologies:
    • While it’s polite to express gratitude, avoid apologizing excessively for your decision to resign. It’s a personal choice, and expressing appreciation for the opportunities provided is more appropriate.
  10. Negotiation Details:
    • Avoid discussing salary negotiations or other terms in your resignation letter. These discussions should be conducted separately, and the resignation letter should focus on your decision to leave.

Remember, a resignation letter is a formal document that serves to communicate your decision to leave the company in a professional manner. Keeping it focused on the essential information and maintaining a positive tone will help ensure a smooth and amicable departure.

How To Format a Resignation Letter for Marriage Reason

Formatting a resignation letter is important to ensure it is professional and easy to read. Here’s a suggested format for a resignation letter due to marriage:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

[Opening Paragraph] Begin the letter by stating your intention to resign. Include your last working day, usually two weeks from the date of the letter.

[Main Body] Explain briefly that you are resigning due to marriage. You can mention the date of your marriage if you feel comfortable. Express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences gained during your time at the company.

[Transition Assistance] Offer to assist in the transition, such as training a replacement, providing documentation, or helping with a smooth handover. Reassure the employer of your commitment to making the transition as seamless as possible.

[Express Gratitude] Thank your employer for the support, mentorship, and opportunities you’ve had at the company. Express appreciation for your colleagues and the positive experiences.

[Closing] Express optimism about the company’s future. End the letter with a formal closing (e.g., “Sincerely,”).

[Signature] Sign your name in the space between the closing and your typed name.

Remember to customize the letter to suit your specific situation and maintain a professional and positive tone throughout.

Email Resignation Letter due to Marriage

Subject: Resignation Letter – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position at [Company Name], effective [last working day, typically two weeks from the date of the email]. This decision has not been easy, but after careful consideration, I have concluded that it is in the best interest of my personal and family life.

I am pleased to share with you that I will be getting married on [date], and this joyous occasion has prompted a relocation. As a result, my family and I will be moving to [new location] in the coming weeks. While I have greatly appreciated the opportunities for professional growth and development at [Company Name], these significant life changes require me to prioritize my personal life.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my notice period. I am more than willing to assist in training a replacement, provide any necessary documentation, and collaborate with my colleagues to ensure a seamless handover. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with my team and have appreciated the support and mentorship that [Company Name] has provided me.

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have had here. I am confident in the continued success of [Company Name], and I am optimistic about the bright future that lies ahead for the team.

Thank you again for the support and understanding. I look forward to staying in touch and wish [Company Name] continued success in the future.


[Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]





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